The times have become increasingly traumatic. We have seen borders under siege by a different enemy. Unseen but devastating in its effects. It leaves no country  unscathed, and no flag unbowed.
It is a virus worse than we have ever known.....

V- vital
I- indigenous
R- resource
U- under
S- siege

Tagged Corona virus 19 or COVID-19, it threatens the young and the elderly alike. No ethnicity is left tear-less. It has even been identified in animals like cats and Tigers.
It threatens the World economic order . On an economic front 'Black Gold' , a major resource until now, is valued in negative digits!

What is happening in social order?

We cannot shake hands for fear of this Covid-19 marauder. It stalks, pounces and exterminates quietly. Everyone is under a lock down.
Quite depressing in an Economy of vibrant people. Knowing no boundaries, this disease struck the World like a nuclear Bomb dropped out of a Virus Drone . Even sounds like a movie script gone wild. However, it is time to focus on the positive though, and get empowered. Let us set our eyes on Him who is able to send His Word and heal. He can do this because He is the Word. There from the very beginning when all was created. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and the Light of the World.


  This Blog is sponsored by the newly released book:‘Renewed and Restored’


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