AT A TIME WHEN WE NEED REFRESHING T he potency of God's Word starts in belief. We know that belief is a fundamental step towards developing an active faith, without which it is impossible to come into a relationship with God. Almighty God is more than our friend because He knows us, He created us, is always with us and loves us with His eternal love. Author Temitope Ogunsakin has explained the renewal and restoration that takes place in this loving relationship with the Word. Jesus is the Word and He is God. He is many things to a Believer even as a deeper understanding evolves within the journey of life. This is made possible as His Word lights our way allowing us to arise and begin to shine with an inner light of understanding. Apostle John describes this light in the first chapter of the Gospel according to John as " That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" John 1:9. 'Renewed and Restored' is a...