In these times, information, more than ever, needs to be factual and applicable. For the mere reason, that time is so much of an essence, and repeats or re-works could lead to a devastating loss. Covid-19 has introduced a different ball game. The rules are still being written as we speak. The devastating toll of this respiratory virus has gone 'ballistic'. It is nor regional devastation, but a worldwide one. It is indeed a pandemic. Those that survive its crushing blow, spent months recuperating. Initially, while we were still in the rudimentary scripting stages of the modus of this virus, I wrote a blog titled: 'VIRUS- Vital Indigenous Resource Under Seige'. ( https://www.temgun.com/blog ). I referred to some basic knowns about the coronavirus. However, despite the dynamism of the facts as we progress into the 7th month of this affliction, the basic facts remain proven by science and data management. From a Health & Wellness point of view though, the pandemic re...